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Developing reading habit is very important for children from their early age. Parents and also the school authorities try to develop reading habits of children from their young age. Reading habit helps them to concentrate and focus more on thigs. Students should make a habit of reading different types of books in different languages. Through this web blog, we will let you know about the top 10 school in Howrah and also how and why children should form a reading habit.

Reasons to introduce reading in kid’s life

There are many reasons to introduce reading in kid’s life. Listening stories leaves on everlasting mark in student’s life. Reading also helps to develop speaking skills of children. They could speak fluently in any languages if they learn about it in their early life. At their young age, children like to read stories, fairy tales, and horror stories.

How teachers help children to improve reading habits?

Teachers of the Doon Techno School also known as the top school in Howrah helps children to improve their reading habits. Doon Techno School teachers are very supportive and friendly and helps children in achieving their future goals.

Our school is located in Domjur and known for providing the best services to the students at a very affordable fees structure.

How to inculcate reading habit in kids?

There are many ways to inculcate reading habits in kids. Some of them are mentioned below –

  1. Don’t look at the age
  2. Add expressions
  3. Start early with Storytime
  4. Create a reading nook
  5. Let them choose their books
  6. Incorporate reading in daily lives
  7. Make reading interactive and engaging

Don’t look at the age

This is mostly for parents who always think their kids are too young to understand what reading is all about. But it’s time you be aware that the kids brain starts developing even before they are born. Yes, what mothers read, they hear and its stays with them. Thus, you cannot underestimate their level of intelligence even when they are 0-1. Start from allowing them to check out the colourful pictures and turn pages. They will enjoy it. Gradually, move to short fairy tales, adventure lessons, stories inculcating values, and one day, they will be reading biographies.

Add expressions

Parents and the teachers of the best school in Howrah always tries to add expressions on their face. This is how children feel interested in understanding about the specific terms.

Start early with Storytime

Start reading to children as early as possible, even as babies. Use colourful picture books with simple language and vibrant illustrations to catch their attention. Set a daily reading time, like bed time stories.

Create a reading nook

Designate a cozy, inviting corner in the home with comfortable seating, good lighting, and a variety of books. Having a specific space makes reading feel special and encourages them to visit the nook whenever they want to escape into a book.

Let them choose their books

It is obvious that students will get bored while studying the same kind of things in school from their text books. So, it is the responsibility of the parents to let them choose their own books. Those books could be related to anything – stories, horror, comics etc.

Incorporate reading in daily lives

Encourage kids to read recipes when cooking, instructions while playing a new game, or signs and menus when out in public. This makes reading a practical skill, not just an academic activity.

Make reading interactive and engaging

Parents and teachers of the top school in Howrah should make reading interactive and engaging. Use character and dramatic expressions while reading aloud, which makes the experience enjoyable and memorable.


Hence, forming a reading habit is very necessary for children. It further improves their understanding. The teachers of the best school in Howrah tries their best to help children regarding any kind of problem like reading and understanding the concepts.

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