With this changing world, technology is developed to such a level. Majority are receiving so many benefits from the modern technology that is used in the current world. It plays a very significant role not only in our day-to-day life but also in the educational sectors. This blog will introduce how the future of smart classrooms is and the best CBSE school in Howrah.
It marks the era of smart classrooms, where learning leaps off from the tradition of textbooks into the world of interactive whiteboards.
What is a smart classroom?
In simple words, Smart Classroom is a technology-enhanced learning environment where digital tools and resources improve teaching-learning outcomes. Every day, more & more schools and education institutions, in India, are opting for the smart classroom with the intention of helping the students to get exciting interactive and modern learning experiences. Technology, in the form of a projector, an interactive white board, audio-visual aids, and Internet-enabled devices, is being used in this way.
We at the Doon Techno School, one of the reputed school in Domjur is known for its excellent educational facilities and services. Our school is located in Domjur, Howrah, and provides students knowledge from Nursery to class VIII as of now. Apart from smart classrooms, some of the best facilities our school is giving are listed below –
- Multidisciplinary curriculum
- Smart classrooms
- AI classrooms
- Sports area
- Library
- Computer room
- Science lab
- Transportation
Some of the important features that a smart class would possess with which you can be familiar are given below:
- Interactive tools –Doon Techno School provides students as well as faculty, tools including smartboard and touch-screens. Due to this aspect, the teacher can directly interact with the students. While solving their questions they draw many diagrams and key points.
- Delivery of digital content - The smart classrooms are utilizing animations, videos, and presentations to make the lessons exciting and easier to understand. Think about watching a volcano erupt or a math problem solved step by step in real time. It's like learning from a movie!
- Cloud based resources- The smart classroom of the Doon Techno School provides the teachers with an opportunity to upload study guides and assignments on the cloud. The students thus can access them at any time.
- Blended learning opportunities - Smart classrooms often support a mix of traditional teaching methods and technology-driven learning, which promotes better engagement and understanding. Essentially, a smart board in classroom takes advantage of educational technology equipment such as laptops, tablets/smartphones, projectors, interactive whiteboards, document cameras, multimedia players, speakers, and microphones to make learning better and more engaging.
Advantages of smart classrooms
Some of the primary benefits of best CBSE smart classrooms in Howrah are –
- Technological advancement increases learning
- Higher student interest and involvement
Exploring stages of smart classrooms
Examples across multiple educational settings show adaptive uses for interactive whiteboards in private as well as in international schools,
- Digitally supported instruction: In the initiating stage of this educational technology use, teachers give out resources, multimedia instruction without much response from the learners.
- Interactive instruction: With the advancement in educational technology, there is massive two-way communication between the teachers and learners. This is a stage that comes after the users get used to using technology since most interactive whiteboards are user-friendly. Two-way communication is dominated in the learning setting by team efforts, gamification, and actionable discussions.
- Innovative teaching: As educational technology becomes deeply integrated into teaching and learning, classrooms acquire the digital literacy skills that were hitherto not possible. Technology, with high levels of proficiency on both sides-educators and learners, allows for the facilitation of self-motivated learning experiences with diverse teaching styles and open communications.
Applications are invited for classes 2025-2026 from Best School in Howrah. Do pay a visit to Doon Techno School and enjoy its services and facilities. Smart classrooms at the pinnacle of educational innovation: transform traditional classrooms into dynamic and interactive spaces.